Harvest Thermal, Inc. | Harvest Pod

The Harvest Pod leverages software and thermal energy storage to make heat pumps smarter. Harvest Pod operates the heat pump at times when when electricity is abundant, cheap, and clean, stores that clean energy in a hot water tank, and delivers it as heating and hot water whenever needed, without running the heat pump at times when grid electricity is more expensive and dirtier. Harvest Pod optimizes your energy bills per your time-of-use rate and can respond to grid events or hourly price signals via the EcoPort (CTA-2045) communication port and protocol.

Company Name: Harvest Thermal, Inc.
Brand Name of Product: Harvest Pod
Product Model Name: PD2B, PD2B-i
Product Website: Click here to view
Product Type: Combined Space Conditioning and Water Heater
AC or DC: DC
Certification Type: CTA-2045-B Level 2
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